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Meet the Farmers

Nicola loves spending time outdoors
Simon loves keeping pigs

Nicola – I’ve been keeping goats, poultry and ponies for over 30 years starting with breeding pekin bantams 35 years ago with my Dad which we used to show at county and local agricultural shows. As well as spending as much time as possible outdoors caring for the livestock, growing fruit and veg and managing the farm for wildlife, I work part-time for 2 conservation charities as an invasion biologist. My role as Invasive Species Officer with the wonderful team at South West Lakes Trust takes me to some of the most beautiful lakes across the South West, helping to manage the impacts of invasive non-native species (INNS). As Project Coordinator with Community Invasive Non-Native Group (CINNG) I work with a fantastic team of dedicated officers and volunteers bringing people and the environment together to improve the health and wellbeing of both.

I don’t have much spare time but I really enjoy surveying and recording native wildlife both on the farm and in the wider countryside. As Chair of Cornwall Reptile and Amphibian Group (CRAG) I get to work with some of Cornwall’s passionate and dedicated volunteers running surveys and carrying out practical habitat management. I’m also fortunate to sit on the Board of Trustees for Amphibian and Reptile Groups of the UK (ARG UK) alonsgide some of the UK’s leading experts on reptiles and amphibians.

My life is full as you can see! But I wouldn’t have it any other way and I will never take for granted the opportunity to step outside the farmhouse and enjoy what must be one of the most stunning views in Cornwall. I’m a lucky lady!

Simon – I have this reputation for being a bit grumpy! I don’t know how it started but I’m not that bad. Unless I’m having a bad day!

I didn’t start out life as a farmer. My early years were spent in Windsor with very little contact with farm animals. In fact I was a little wary of ponies when Nicola and I got together 24 years ago and I joined her family of goats, chickens, ducks, ponies and dogs. I soon learnt to put up with them! 

The farm keeps us very busy and I really like having the pigs around. They are such intelligent animals and very friendly. The pig paddock is a good place to sit enjoying the views and scratching the back of a demanding pig!

There’s always plenty to do on the farm and kidding time is always busy. I’ve even helped deliver a badly presented kid while on the phone to Nicola who was away from the farm on research! But the freedom of being able to step outside in the fresh air, eat a meal prepared from food grown on the farm, watch piglets enjoying their freedom in the paddock or kids with a spring in their step makes it worth the effort. Most of the time!